Got any bread?

>A duck walks into a bar and asks: “Got any Bread?”
>Barman says: “No.”
>Duck says: “Got any bread?”
>Barman says: “No.”
>Duck says: “Got any bread?”
>Barman says: “No,we have no bread.”
>Duck says: “Got any bread?”
>Barman says: “No,we haven’t got any ****ing bread.”
>Duck says: “Got any bread?”
>Barman says: “No,are you deaf?! We haven’t got any fking bread,ask me
>again and I’ll nail your f
king beak to the bar you irritating btard
>of a f
king bird!”
>Duck says: “Got any nails?”
>Barman says: “No”
>Duck says: "Got any bread?

The oldies are the goodies!

Thanks for that, I haven’t heard that joke in ages.

Lol, funny!

Sounds like my kids

iv got kids loike that to!!! very repetitive!!!

Now thats what I call a proper joke

Just had the office rolling about with that one !!! Couldve come from a sketch from 2 ronnies !! And yeh, sorta does sound like the kids dont it…only mine ask for money…