Goooood Mawwwwwnin LB

Well…there ya go…cracked the posting problem and a fine morning it is…

Warm and weather states overcasting but no rain fall…

Day off today right here in Downtown Central London so if anyone isnt going in or throwing a sickie then Im up for a blast !!

Have a gooooooooooooood day one and all !!!

You’re like Tigger

Ooop Narf so no can do. Have a goodun.

will do…getting sorted right now !!

Good morning you all!

and to you mate…

Happy morning to you ALL and you Barro

I am working from home today which means in between fine tuning spreadsheets and project plans, am always logged on to my favourite site

Have a good ride

Well it’s not morning… So good day to you all…

let me know if you’re still up for a blast barro, im always in central, and always willing to ride.

i’ve got my priorities straight. bikes over women, anytime!.

My bike is parked up outside the office getting wet crap weather…

yeah and ive just noticed it too…wanted to go back out…well been out most of the day on it so I cant get greedy !!..