Go on Grandad


We ? Why not stick on your work hat and nick the reckless sod ?

Clearly a blatant case of Driving without due care and attention, either nick him or we will all know he has bunged you £100 for the “Police Benevolent Fund”

The “We” was said with my bike lid on as in we bikers slate cagers for being reckless. The whole coment was meant as a wee wind up before anyone kicks off and as Si says, if you can’t take a joke … !

As for the £100 … I’m way cheaper than that, a cup of tea will do you wonders !!

Can I quote you next time I get stopped??? :wink:
Or others are more expensive? What is the going price to get out of a ticket around here those days anyway?
I know Tenerife/ Paris and Moscow ones but here??? I am sure it is a ripe off like the rest of the country but still, how much? eh?

Yes, my nick him nick him was meant as a little joke too . . . . as I am in Spain, hopefully I will not be needing your very nicely priced favours, but might post you a couple of teabags anwyay, just in case there are any nasty NIPs awaiting my return

Haha i nearly didnt get the pic as i didnt know what to put down my ginsters or my cup of tea i drive a white van sort of, so it makes me a far more advance driver than anyone on here…

oohh dear…

what is this site comming too?

bored smiled.