
Ok, you’re prolly gonna laugh at me…but, even still…er…

Is a gixxer an actual bike, or is it a nickname for a bike?

Cos I wanted to know what the hell you lot are ranting on about, and I typed it into google, but it didn’t actually come up with much…

Yes, I feel very stupid.

(embarrassed) Mole

ooooooooh…ignor this…I just found it…

hangs head in shame and retreats to hole


lol no comment

Ever started a thread you wanna delete?

Yes, now would be one of those ‘delete wish’ threads…

anyone know what a Yamaha is?

Erm, what exactly did you type into Google? I put in “gixxer” and the first thing that came up with was this:

" - Dedicated to the Suzuki GSX-R Enthusiast! "

which kinda explains what a gixxer is. Anyone know of any “google for muppets” courses?

I thik I typed in Gixer first of… of course I can’t remember, because when I typed it in correctly, it gave a whole load of stuff.



Forget about them Gixxers… You want a Tiller

Doh Bless you if you dont know ask

a heap

now now

Not a great way to refer to gay people…But I’m glad you can be open about your sexuality with LB