at work im attempting to modify I programme that we use by replacing the Oracle logo with one of my works. The old file that im replacing is a .gif but each time I save our logo as a gif the quality is really poor. ive tried saving as all different other files that keep the quality but as soon as I upload it, the quality returns to what a .gif file looks like. As you can see the right hand side keeps its quality, this is a .png file and the original item that was on the right was a .png so it all makes sense. The old logo that was on the left had very good quality but mine doesnt (even though that was a .gif file)
i assume that the left hand side has to be a gif file and because it is limited to 256colours the main colour in our logo might not be within the 256.
is there a way round it? or the ability to up the quality of a .gif?or am i destined to change the colour to something within the 256? - tried with one of the basic colours and you still get a crappy quality!