getting used to my rc8

just a few pics taken of my video as i’m getting the feel for it now:D


What’s this…pillion-foot-down? :wink:

you ve lost me there mate knee down look closer would post a vid but you never know whos watching

Joking mate :slight_smile: Just looks like the pillions got his leg out to me…guess it’s just coz it’s a still from a vid. Can’t fault the wheelie BTW. :wink:

mate the vids look cool but how the climate is nowadays i aint posting it

Fair do’s

Nice pics mate, it did look like a foot down as a opposed to knee down! :wink:

Should be oK
This is clearly on private closed roads so no issues :wink:

lol i know this guy its k d …people need to get off the keyboard and ride!!

eh up paul good fun through the lanes will post the three in a row kneedown pic as soon as i have it it’ll look awsome:w00t:
till next time mate

keyboard warriors wont belive they are real they’ll say there photo shopped …:stuck_out_tongue:

yeah probably mate polishers is the word you are looking for:D

nice one mate, I’m not jealous in any way at all, oh no:ermm:

Where’s the video then?

You’ve provided the taster :wink:

problem is mate who see’s it? you never know if big brothers watching and the way we are percieved as bikers no fun is allowed

thats what smiffy was on about! he’s old and sometimes makes no sense…poor old sod:D

nice pics man, you riding that vee hard:)

cheers mate smiffy 's not been talking about me vid has he ssssssssssssh

You’ll be ok as long as…

A) You don’t film pulling wheelies past your house and continue filming as you enter your house, then post up the video on youtube

B) You don’t get knocked off your bike by a copper after you’ve finished pulling wheelies, have your camera fly off your bike into a bush, only for it to be recovered by some do gooder tw@t that hands it in to Police, who then arrest you at hospital, which earns you a court appearance, and 3 weeks in Her Majesties holiday resort.

You know what, don’t post it :smiley:

bonjour daddy :smiley: yes people there is no footdown by me there … i am well behaved