"Frozen" brakes?

Son’s bandit has been standing unused for the holiday period. (I don’t think he was ever quite sober enough to be legal, so that’s good.)

Today the pads were stuck to the disks but they are now freed off but the front brake lever is still rock solid and hardly moves when sqeezed. And it’s a baztard to rotate the front wheel.

I’ve had pistons stick out before but there has always been some movement in the brake lever. But not this time. Things are being warmed up with a fan heater as I type (we’re doing our bit for global warming) but there does not seem to be any change after 30 minutes.

Any ideas of the cause? Any quick fixes?

Blimey, must be seriously cold!

Almost sounds like its too hard to be ice… could any of the parts be damaged by hot water? And would the water freeze up if you did pour it over? Is the fan heater hotter than a hairdryer?

O ring frozen solid on the lever piston maybe?
if you take the top off the reservoir, is the fluid ok?

if you had any moisture anywhere in the brake system that could be enough to freeze and block the movement of any of the moving parts, once you have thawed it prolly best to flush the whole brake system and maybe pull the pads and pistons and clean them and the dust seals.

kenny Thanks, but that was the news I feared.

This is dot4 fluid at the end of it’s service life, and that stuff is particularly hygroscopic, so water in the fluid is a real possibility. Given it dropped to -2 the other night, frozen water is also possible.

If it’s in the reservoir/master cylinder, the problems are even more entertaining.

I’ll have another go with the fan heater under the bike cover tomorrow and then check the reservoir and try bleeding off a little fluid at the calipers.

Just the job you need with a predicted high of +1 tomorrow.

Oh blimey, problem is getting more complicated by the sounds of it ;[

something on my car wheels was stuck yesterday morning. It felt like i had left the handbrake on, the car was trying to move but wouldn’t. I had to force it in the end. :smiley:


my old focus just soilders throught it all

still selling btw or will swap or px for supermoto plus some monez