FREE - got your attention now cheapos.

1 pair of ‘Motorcycle’ socks, size 10-12, brand new, to first bargain seeker.

Like myself, you will also put them on, ride, and then realise that Lidl was put there by the Devil himself.

Let me know, and I’ll bring them to BM or Ace - when I can be bothered. :hehe:

Don’t thank me, just take them, and then hate them :hehe:

:laugh: I guess the “Lidl bikers bargain” wasn’t such a good deal in this case. I bought the £5 intercom system a couple of years back, it worked really well for about 20 minutes :hehe:

Whats so bad about these socks? :smiley:

They’ve been on alex’s feet:D


if not elsewhere!!:smiley: iiiuuuurrrrc

Laugh it up fuggers - they have now been promised to a new home:D


In the days of old
when knights were bold
and condoms weren’t invented
you tied a sock
around your ****
and had to be contented.



In all seriousness, a short ride would be fine, but the material is cheap, so your feet cant breath properly.

You are right. The Aldi socks are better, breathable material and only £1 more expensive!

There you go - you pikey lot.

Spend £1 more, and you’re feet wont look like this! (Dr Placebos)



OMG i was eating easter egg when i saw that pic, made me gag… :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t blame me, blame Lidl! lol


Me too, I was eating spaghetti and it put me right off :sick: