managed to find one the request you put in fella deano your in this one for a few laps(again poxy r1 holding me up :P)
YEAH! Techno, techno, techno, techno!
what a star, i was a bit shy of getting some footage due to me not finding my feet too well but loved every minute of that, looking back i think i didnt do too badly, 1st time in fast group en all. could see some mucho kudos black lines coming out of paddock hill on that.
im not saying that im faster than you kev but with some track tyres and a day at rockingham to get me over my left handers confidence issues, as it still feels alien to me. I’ll give you a better battle:)
and BTW that pass druids, you were being far too polite. though you arent meant to pass on a yellow flagged corner, tut tut:D
haha nice one deano, remember i`ve only got a little 600:D:P
wat yellow flag :P:D. i was a bit worried i stood you up m8. i waved you back pass or did you think that you were faster than me :D:D:D:D
i didnt even know you were there until you came by my side and waved. was confused at the time, i know im not faster than you, that was a bit clear when you kept going round the outside of me at clearways. Im just very confident that i can go alot faster.
yes m8 you would be alot faster if you had decent tyres!!! av you changed them yet? they werent eactly road legal were they
i dont remember seeing wat ur tyres were doing coming out of clearways but through paddock they were sliding quite alot. next year wen u got ur new tyre and were do the same trackday i
l follow you out and get sum more footage for ya… if i can keep up:D;)