Anyone have any idea why a large part of the South East London population are driving around day and night with their fog lights on? Am I missing something? Am I not beeing cool, hip and trendy by not using mine when I get to drive the Mommobile?

all i can say there are mupets trying to be cool.

Its a gang thing, fogs on, we are cool now (£30 fine when stopped by cops)

when off, mum has taken the car for her bingo, however, sometimes they can maintain coolness by asking bus drivers to use their fogs…

Bus drivers around me i.e South East London must be part of the same Massive as they drive with high beams on at night! Respect!!!

Not as bad as the idiots who drive around at night with no lights on, and then procede to overtake and come into your lane, surely?

Can’t agree more jay! Last night I ‘saw’ a mondeo with no lights at all! Almost hit the *******!!!

Oooooh, don’t get me started on fog lights … M25 in the rain, whilst the muppet in front has fog lights on? … not easy to see where you are going, and how the hell are you going to see his/her brakelights?!!

I would love to be able to post something apposite and witty here, but lets face it the reason these muppets drive like this is because they don’t pay attention. They get in the cage and suddenly they are captain scarlet, virtually indestructible.

However, worst offenders, and I am holding my hands up here, people who normally ride bikes and then have to then endure the monotony of driving a cage as opposed to the thrill and freedom of being out on a bike. I have driven off with no lights on, usually after pulling into a petrol station, I have put fogs on, only because switch is next to rear screen de-mister.

Only things not guilty of (he says touching wood) not being able to spot bikers on road ro changing lanes across thier path.

Easy, it’s cos they’re {custard tarts}.

{Repeat 100 times : “I must not use foul, harsh language on the Forum or the wrath of the Puncture-God will visit me” - The Moderator }


…meanwhile Pete enters the room saying what the rest of us actually meant to say…

I wonder how the ‘filter’ allowed that word! Not fair! When I use then , all I get is ********

Thank God for my DRZ, cant turn the lights off so cant forget to turn them on! Does mean I cant really be sneaky in the dark though.

Yeah you can, pull the fuse.

I think DIY tinted back lights are even worse. You absolutely can’t see when he’s braking

LOL! This reminds me of something. Believe it or not, but i’ve seen womens stockings wrapped around rear lights to give it that tinted looked. I bet the rude boy driver thinks it looks well cool (having probably robbed them off his old dear).

Couldn’t stop laughing when i saw them.



he’s a naughty monkey that Pete…

forgot to turn my lights back on on my duc once in central - was in a highly lit area when i pulled over, so didn’t notice. an unmarked car nearly knocked me off in an attempt to stop me to helpful point out i was in stealth mode…oops

well its better then the people who drive around with there high beam on!