fixed now

Lovely bike mate, Ignore the banter its all friendly, But I get see your point also.

thanks for the support! ( take note this is the response from a true biker)

Take a chill pill son, I take the pi ss out of every one. And take it as well as I try to give. An angry young man clam down you’ll find you’ll ride better too.

fair one leave it at that, as soon as you know me take the piss all you want, i just get very funny when i dont know you.

Like it says Forum Bug! Helps to keep us alive… Live long and ride fella . even if it is on a 6…

have you taken them stupid red things off yet!!!

yes mate got black ones now when are you back?

Nooo red looks goood…get you nicked by plod though as they will look like brakelights.

babe them wheel strip!! i do hope there off noww!!! they are like wat christof got on his dna!! but the bike looks lovely babe!!<<XX