Fitting crash bungs to a ZX7R.

Hi folks - I’ve fitted bungs myself to my Yam ace which was a piece of p1ss due to the fact that the bolt is accessible through a vent in the fairing (so no drilling/cutting involved) and there are two front engine bolts on each side - so no fear of the engine slipping in the frame when you pull the bolt out.I want to fit some bungs to the ZX7R - but I’m worried about taking the engine bolt out - as there is only one each side - e.g. when I take the right hand side bolt out to fit the crash bung slider is the engine going to slip in the frame? The R&G bung instructions say nothing about supporting the engine (e.g. sticking a jack and a block of wood under the exhaust collector box to prevent this happening).

Also when the bung is on - I’m going to have to unscrew it every time I want to take the fairing off - and seeing as it happens to be such an important bolt I really don’t fancy doing this + with the fairing in place there is no opportunity to support the front of the engine under the exhaust collector box with a jack.

Is the solution to cut a hole big enough for the entire crash bung to poke through the fairing - allowing me to remove the fairing without having to remove the bung.

Thanks for any advice! ;):slight_smile:

Fitted mine a month ago… didn’t have the where-with-all to think about where the engine was going once I’d unscrewed the bolts but nothing happened! Only ever had one undone at any one time but the bolt came out nice and easy so didn’t feel like the whole engine was resting there on it anyway. As for getting the fairing off, you can just unscrew the nut on the end leaving the long bolt in place and get the fairing off that way. To avoid uncrewing the whole bolt when undoing the nut, when you fit it, you can tighten it in place with a spanner on the cutouts in the shaft of the bolt. The worst bit of the whole process for me was making the hole in the fairing. Also, once fitted one bung’s touching up against the fairing. I tried swapping sides thinking I might have got them back to front but that was worse. I hope you can make some sense of that.

Cheers Unhinged - that makes sense :wink: the fact that the bung will unbolt off leaving the bolt in place sounds a much better situation. Glad your engine stayed in situ when you took the bolt out! :D:cool: