Fishface VS #1SR Fan

Fishface v #1SR fan at the show…enjoy!:)oh danie(SR FAN) is on teh yellow bike (crash!!) and vix on the black bike (wailing like a banshee):D:P:w00t:

wasnt wailing!!!
was squealing

not working??

Video no longer available :Whistling:

ah hold on hold on!! youtube is pants!!

och m8 ! come on , sort it out

i am!:smiley: youtube is slooooooow, trying photobucket too!;)EDITTRY IT AGAIN-SEE FIRST POST!!

Ratty46 (29/03/2008)

Fishface v #1SR fan at the show…enjoy!:)oh danie(SR FAN) is on teh yellow bike (crash!!) and vix on the black bike (wailing like a banshee):D:P:w00t:[/quote] i would of said squealing like a piggy in mud :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

lol piggy!



pigs go oink oink :wink:

it is sorted arnie!!!
and it aint that great , seen as i spend most of the time tyring to get it to move :stuck_out_tongue:
still think u shud of speeded it up ratty!!!

lol curtis u should make oink oink noises then

whateva floats ya boat

My take on things -

Come on, then…all that mud and there was no roosting of other riders? Or the videographers?

Sad…just sad, I say.