I like this guy, he has a few vids out there. :slight_smile:

Bloody brilliant :smiley:

yeah this is great

are you a terrororist ninja junkie ?

you look like one

Why do you say that Sm?

haha very funny :smiley:

I like how he doesn’t back off at all :slight_smile:

By posting a video which promotes love and understanding? :crazy:Are you one of the security guards in the film Stuntmartin? :smiley:

omg this is what me and my friend Michael should do! nothing as big…small scale not such a loud speaker…damn, if only i can get my hands on a speaker :smiley: btw those people are awesome! well done on them :slight_smile:

Ninjajunkie - gotta say i like your posts :slight_smile:

Thanks Anna! :smiley:

Power to the people! :smiley:

thats awesome

I like that a lot. :cool:

Bl00dy liberal :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :hehe::cool::w00t::P:kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss:

Try meditation Aly - it’s the only way forward for the human race! Ommm . . . :smiley:

Glad people like their film - we could do things differently - to begin with meditation should be on the national curriculum! :smiley:

I love you Guys and Girls!!!

NOW SHOP!:smiley:

Interesting guy and he makes some good points but he LOVE’S the sound of his own voice