Essex or Kent?

Essex: home of the

Depeche Mode
5 Star

We also won the world cup single handed in 1966 - Moore, Peters and Hurst all playing for West Ham (was in Essex b4 the boundary changes in 75) & Dagenham born Alf Ramsey

The world famous BCR and Britain’s prettiest village Finchingfield.

Need I go on? No contest…:slight_smile:

5 fookin’ Star??? lol

My Mum’s an Essex girl :w00t:

In fact she told me that if had been a girl, she would have called me Sharon :w00t:

Fookin hell.

Essex: Brilliant.

Even though i’m a northerner through and through i do like essex but the best bit…THE ROADS:D;)

surrey :smiley:


Essex - I live on the borders, great roads, BCR, north of the river - that’s all for now !

Essex lanes vs Kent lanes 1-0
Essex music vs Kent music 2-0 (even with 5 star)
1966 World CUp winners vs Gillhamham FC 3-0
The home of the Cortina 4-0
Finchingfield vs Chatham (Home of the Chav) 5-0

Read it and weep. :wink:

Yes but you have jodi Marsh living in Essex thats a massive reason not to live there:w00t:

And Katie Price.

Now is that two reasons or four not to live there?


Errrr…ian huntley? :ermm:

ESSEX Police…ok’ish

Kent Police…Absolute…Assh*les:D

Essex :smiley:

Live just down the road so i vote there :smiley:

Berkshire :wink:

Katie price does not live in essex you plank…:w00t:


Theme tune for Essex and Kent: ;):smiley: