

Congrats to you both. About bloody time :wink:

Congratulations! This calls for a good LB party! I’ll I’ll be the barman.

Excellent. Very happy for you,both. :slight_smile:

Congrats to the both of you.

how did the photo go down with Julies family?

Hang on, what… Engagement? Bloody hell. Congratulations guys :slight_smile:

Many congratulations to you both!

Congrats. What good fun


Congratulations, now how long are you going to wait to walk up the aisle? Remember Julie, you have to make sure he’s the right one :wink:

Like everyone else says - about bloody time! You should’ve know She was a keeper years ago.

A humongous congratulations to you both x

Well done Mr & Mrs J!
I can’t wait for the ceremony :smiley:



Bollocks :-(   

Seriously though - congrats guys.  Really chuffed for you both :slight_smile:

I don’t blame the caution. Took me 10 years too. But I had to do the engagement think after 5 kind of to lock in the idea.


congrats guys, great news

