Embarrassing biking moments?

Ok what’s the most embarrassing thing to happen to you with your bike or not!

I’ll start dropped my bikes twice. First time I was out shopping and with out looking down put my side stand down leaned my GT550 over and it just kept leaning over further and further taking me with it. Couldn’t work out what was happening until afterwards and realised that I had put the side stand down a drain hole!!!

Next and more embarrassing, my first time out with my first VFR800 went to high beach. I was just leaving going very slow and steady and stalled it; over I went in front of about 30 other bikers oh my god red face or what! At least I had lots of help lifting it up haha

I had one this morning! It’s not the most embarrassing one I had but I still feeling bad… I was kind of racing this guy on his CG125, 05 reg and I on my CD200 N reg. I was winning at all traffic lights and the guy was pissed off!

But When I got to Gower Street where I could really leave him behind … We stopped at the traffic lights, he looked at me and said 'That’s the one mate! ’ I thought ‘now i’m going to nail you!’ but… I was over exited and somehow I let the bike die before start and it had a little jump forward, as I was in gear and reving it I lost the balance and kinda of drop the bike… Had to put the foot down and hold it to dont hit the floor hard, just toutch the tarmark and I picked it up very quickly hopping that nobody had noticied but…

the guy had stoped and was there pointing at me and laughing! I had to say ‘****! happens…’ I here I am with that horrible feeling…

ps: Racing on a CG125 and a CD200 means 40mph final speed. to get more I need a good down hill. lol

i’ve done the disc lock danceoutside a library where there were around 20 infant school children looking on at mei just lay down with the bike for a few seconds waving at them as if it was some kinda’ stunt i did for them as they walked passed. no applause though

Went for a ride out, A40 west bound, went around the chalfonts with my mate, stopping at estate agents for property prices and any places to do up.

Chatted up a few of the nice looking ones, went to a bar for some refreshments.

Went up to Aylesbusy, stopped off at onyer triumph for a bit,

Down the A41 to the Ace, couple hours there,

Went for another little spin before heading home.

only to realise I spent the whole day with my fly’s undone, being in a rush to get out the house in the first place.

Hehehe… I have a few, but I’ll only explain a couple here

I managed to pin myself under my old 750 outside my house in the middle of the road. How? Well I thought “I need to learn that trick of spinning the bike on the side-stand!”, so I lifted it up, began to turn it, and it rolled forward as I had the wrong technique and it folded the sidestand, I let it down as softly as I could, keeping my foot under the bodywork, to stop it getting scratched! I sat there, thinking, thank god it’s 2am and nobody can see, then I realised I couldn’t lift the bike off me and was worried as I was all alone! After ten minutes I managed to wriggle my foot out of my trainer , left it there protecting the bike and picked it up quickly! Never again! Not a mark on the bike, luckily, though I had a sore leg after.

The other time was bad, I was invited along to my first trackday with friends, didn’t know what a trackday was, thought it was a race, so went out there and the first lap where we were allowed to ride our own pace, I had about four ‘moments’, then on the second lap, I came flyover over ‘The Mountain’ and promptly forgot about the impending corner, missed it and went straight onto the grass, the front folded and down I went. The bike rejoined the track, cracked the engine case open and spilled oil all over the racing line. The corner is now affectionatly termed as ‘Jays Corner’ by our trackday gang. The worst this? The corner is RIGHT in front of the main spectators area, so everyone saw and most likely had a good laugh!

I learnt a lot about finding spare parts for R6’s that day, specially on a Sunday, 200 miles from home and in a rural town! I don’t know how lady-lucky supported me that day, but she did, and I managed to buy a second-hand engine cover for the cost of a new one, got back to the track, repaired the bike and got back out on track! I can’t get enough of trackdays now

Yeah! Jay, I was there and saw it all! Actually, jay’s corner is still there and we still reffering to it as Jay’s corner. I remember everyone asking who the hell had dropped oil in that corner??? lol

You don’t remember the track but yuo remember that it was just after the mountain? yeah, right!

By far…the MOST embarrassing biking moment was last November 20th…

I took the bike out for a short ride…overcast…48 degrees or so…damp…left the house very carefully thinking “cold tires, cold damp road surfaces…be careful” and all was well. After about a half hour or so of spirited riding, I decided I had pushed my luck far enough and it was time to go home.

I make it all the way back to my neighborhood and am making the 90 degree right hand corner to head up my street and I see several of my neighbors standing in the yard motioning me to do a wheelie…I briefly thought better of it…but then put the power on for a 2nd gear power wheelie while exiting the corner…wicked bad idea…The rear IMMEDIATELY broke loose going left and threw me off to the right. I landed on my right hip…the impact drove the head of my femur into the hip socket hard enough to blow the socket apart. I spent a week and a half in the hospital and the next 3 months unable to walk and on crutches. NOT GOOD. Cosmetic damage only to the bike…The bike and I are both back into fighting trim but I have now graduated with honors from the school of hard knocks.

My new motto is now “Showing off often leads to tears.” ROFL

on my old r6 on a brand new tire from a puncture, was riding to work up by tower gateway in the wet. running higher pressure on the rear from garage’s recommendation, newish smooth tarmac, rain, far too much welly pulling way from the lights and leaning the bike

last thought was ‘why is that guy hanging his legs out so much for so long whilst he pulls away here’…as the back snaps round, slaps me about and throws me clear (in front of a nice little audience at the bus stop) before carrying on down the road on the nearside courtesy of the R&G bobbins (which i can say are great from that experience). jump up realising all that traffic i’ve blasted away from is probably right on me by now and get to the bike. biker asks if i need a hand and replied i didn’t know - hadn’t trying a pick up before! apparently not. Wont start so call the breakdown guys and goign throught the call when i realise that i’d tried to fire it, but not actually tried to turn it properly off and on again. doh…Engine management had just tripped out. ended call sheepishly and rode on…

Ow, those two are bad, but I think Gregman gets the award so far, nasty stuff fella! I admit to trying that once before, but it didn’t kick me off, it just fish-tailed down the road, which luckily, was just as impressive! Bloody thou’s! Glad you’re okay though, it sounds like quite an injury to sustain.

It could have been worse…they were talking hip replacement surgery the first couple of days I was in the hospital. YIKES. As it turned out, they re-aligned the pieces and I was forced into complete non-load bearing on that leg for 3 months…a few months of physical therapy after that to learn to walk/build up strength again and I’m good as new! (My neighbors will NEVER let me live that what down though…every time I see them it’s “Hey Evil (Kneivel)…what’s up?” or some such nonsense. LOL)

I knew better than to assume a risk like that under those conditions but chose to do it anyway…and I suffered for it.

Lesson learned (re-learned?!) and life goes on. :thumb

Glad to hear your were able to save that gorgeous K5 of yours from going down…I’m sure that “getting slapped about while still headed down the road” bit had your full and undivided attention, eh?

I think my most imbrassing moment was at the ace about a month ago. I was having a look at my headlight seeing if it was too high or not, so me and adam had our bikes pointed towards the wall with our head lights on seeing if mine was higher then his.

Then we decided to go, I rode round to Hennessy and my friend chris to say we’re going when… I loose balance of the bike and drop it Loads of people watching and all three of them laughing!

luckily Cooper was there to help me pick up the bike and get it started for me.

That was the 2nd right hand mirror I had broken in two weeks of each other lol.

I felt so embarrassed for you Kevin, but was laughing inside, lol!!

One of my most embarrassing moments was when I had just got my Aprilia RS125, and I had trainers on! Well I went to my cousins house to show him my new bike and guess what, my lace got caught in the gear shifter, so when I went to put the kickstand down my foot got trapped and the bike neared the ground! Luckily there was a car there so desperately held on with the bike sideways with my cousin pissing himself undoing my shoelace…

Trainers never again, so bought some Alpinestars boots…


25 years ago - first bike (CB200) - never ridden anything more than a pushbike!!

Too scared to take right hand turns, so I plotted a course to the nearest petrol station where I only had to turn left…!

Made it to the petrol station about an hour later, FULL of confidence and bravado (well you do, don’t you…!!)

Filled up my trusty steed for about a quid, and then roared off…straight into the wall of the forecourt shop. (This was about 2pm on a Saturday, so not what you’d call deserted…)

Fortunately a freshly dug flower bed curbed my speed a little - not as glamourous as a gravel-trap, perhaps - but I still managed to take out the neatly stacked display of oil cans before I bounced off the wall.

Amazingly, no damage to either bike or self - pride was utterly mashed, though!!

Err yes, I’ve got a few.

Prob the worst was back in 2000 when I’d just (that morning) picked up my spanking new shiny R1100s Sport BM, and rode over to the lakes from Newcastle to show it off to my parents.

We agreed to meet in a famous cafe and you can guess the rest.

Beautiful sunny day. Large uneven gravel carpark in front of large restaurant windows and outdoor tables. One occupied by parents and grand mother.

I arrive to much admiration from onlookers. Bike well smart and sounded great.

Attempted gentle turn in front of windows, engine stalls (and when a twin stalls, esp a horizontal one it’s a violent action) and the hefty brute heads earthwards.

I rather gracefully roll away and spring up. To find a deathly hush has fallen over the cafe. Then my grandmother, showing a respectable turn of speed for 78 yrs, ‘rushes’ over and starts trying to lift the bike while my father tries to hide his shame (yet again).

Then, to make matters worse, I had to sit at an outdoor table while lunch was consumed and everyone, yes every single smug gloating mofo, came over to see if the bike was ok. It was easily the worst hour in my life.

And I’ve bailed out of a wedding with only a month to go. So trust me, I know the saying ‘lower than a snakes belly’ only too well…

LOL… Those stories are funny…

Mine was about 3 years ago… Went for a ride out to Box Hill with a few others… Got into the car park, parked up and stopped the bike… took two steps away and heard this crunch!!! Looked back and the side stand of my GPZ500S had broken… My bike was now resting on this Africa Twin… In pure panic I grabbed hold of the handlebar nearest to me… All these guys came running over to help me and as they lifted the weight of mine off the Twin, the Twin fell over and knocked three other bikes over, including a Milli!!! Of course they tried to blame me for knocking all the bikes over… I was SOOOOOOO embarrassed… I never went back to Box Hill for Over two years…

Hehehe, so many good stories. It’s a good job we can all look back and laugh

Mines got to be pulling my bike backwards from its bike park while its was running and knocking it into gear, bike took off and left me standing there like a muppet.

Then to make it worse I hat to ask my neighbour to help lift it up


I’m still traumatised by the sound of gravel.

How about turning up one week early for a bike meet and rideout? just like today got to the start place no bikes i thought something not right here, phoned a friend to check the time only to be told its next week eh plonker!!!

well this wasnt an embarrising bike moment more like just an embarissing moment,

last sunday after working down the ace i decided to go surfing on the PAts R1 holding onto his 12 oclock bar but when i went to let go got scared and grabeed back on with only 1 hand this time, it meant me being dragged alond the Ace Cafe car park right infront of other bikers.

Does it hurt it still does.

ride safe Graham