Elephant Meeting

So once a year in Germany, all the hard-core winter riders stick two fingers up to the “fairweather” crowd and get together in the mountains to celebrate their “Elephant meeting” – so called because you’ll need really, really thick skin to participate…

Look at some pictures here: http://www.br-online.de/repositories/bildergalerie/bayern-heute/as-060130-elefantentreffen/index.html

Posted for Barro, who I mentioned this to a while ago…

check out the guy in the “hot tub” ha ha! wow, certainly puts us to shame!, i find it cold riding in December in 1-2 degrees, nevermind that cold!!!. Mindyou saying that there is nothing better than on a nice winters day when you get a bit of sun getting out on the bike and wrapping up warm!

Hehehe, looks different, and fun! I’d give it a go. No way would you get Cezar anywhere near it though, haha…