DVLA under scrutiny over penalty notice dating game

The Register

With thanks to John Ozimek.

Only goes to prove something we all know, DVLA are a law unto themselves and a bunch of coc*s.

totally agree :smiley:

Now what we need is someone to start taking the DVLA to court for breaching the Data (Protection)Act for selling “secure” information to all and sundry who just say they have some sort of reason for needing it and paying a wedge.

What an inefficient, error ridden bunch of venal bast*rds.

That will be a government sponsored agency then.

data protection does not work in UK- probably for this reason other European countries does not want to share their information (points system, address, etc…)

plus there is not any institutions in UK that control how personal data are handle or (shame but true) “legally sold” !!
