was reading some stories in the sun today about people originally involved in the dunkirk evacuation. Amazing some of the stories and the just pure stiffer upper lipperness of the brits.
I think that truly was the last gentlemens war.
RIP all those who lost there live’s there and during the war.
I meant that to all the allied troops not just the brits. and yes I meant to put in the part about the gerrys not being so gentlemenly…best one I read was, the scotts got on a boat when they found out it was bound for england and not france they all got off again…
love the old guard stories, it’s all like: “had my arm shot off, but we got crumpets for tea and then the sun came out. so it was a good day all in all”
No, but then again this whole concept of us fighting the second world war against the Nazis as opposed to fighting the Germans/Bosch/Hun/Jerries etc. is a relatively recent politically correct idea & there were certainly plenty of ‘old school’ Prussian aristocrat officers in the Werhmacht/Luftwaffe/Kriegsmarine who followed the gentlemanly principles of warfare, well at least on the Western front.
Fair point - I guess at the time the second war was seen like the first as an attempt to halt German expansionism in Europe rather than a specifically idealogical battle between democracy and fascist totalitarianism.