I don’t get it:Whistling:
Love the scoot though:cool:
Sounds like it died a death at the WORST moment
lol that was funny
och you Chunky
very good ;):hehe:
ROFL :w00t:
ducati 1098 - 14 grand
leathers/lid/boots - 2 grand
giving it the berries, then stalling it on front of a packed bike meet - PRICELESS!
just jealous
haha pj aint gonna live that down!!
hehe…hope i dont stall it:D…:w00t::w00t:
Hehehe…he’s NEVER gonna live THAT one down…
Thanks Arnie…
You won’t forget me now eh:cool:
pmsl:D see told ya it was a good’un chap!:D:w00t::hehe:
Mmmmm now that was embarrassing
Maybe i’ll walk next time:P
It was sooooooooooooooooooooo funny!
Your welcome…
arnie, you’re a cruel 8astard