Drunk Bike Instructor

I really hope she gets sent down :angry: People like this should never be allowed on the road again.



That’s terrible… poor Learner! Hope they got a refund! The new test must be that hard it’s turning the instructors to drink!

Not good…

Tell me about it ! A woman bike instructor ? I ask ya ! :Whistling:

Wow, I didn’t imagine that could happen!

That is bad.

That is very shocking and sad. She is obviously an alcoholic, four times over the limit and still riding!

I’d say she’s probably going through some major trauma in her life that she is having difficulty dealing with.

No excuse, mind.

should get an award I can hardly ride after a half bottle of rum

Lighten up for f*cks sake! :wink:

Can’t you see the dark comedy inherent in the notion of a drunken motorcycle instructor?! :hehe:

On a personal note - I hope she recovers and puts her life back together.:wink:

bet she taught one mean figure of 8! :pinch:

Yeah, but I wouldn’t want to be around after she’d been riding in circles. Could be messy. :sick:

Not good, but she obviously has problems. I hope this is the kick up the bum she needed and that she finds a better life for herself.

As to the people she has taught and who have seen her drunk on the bike before, it’s kind of a really good way of teaching people not to drink and ride…! How not to do it!

If she was an alcoholic, a lot of people might not have noticed, they are very good at hiding there problems. I had a manager in a former job that was an alcoholic. Nobody noticed for 18 months, she was eventually paid off by the company.

Yeah, I had an old manager of mine once who was an alcoholic - but it was easy to spot because the Prince of Wales was only over the road and she would always want to have all work meetings (and even my appraisal) in there and post lunch was always a complete write off. Plus the manager of the pub personally gave her a Christmas card to thank her for all her custom :wink:

Unfortunately in some professions it is easier to be an alcoholic - but motorcycle instruction isn’t one of them - I mean I find it hard enough concentrating on a bike anyway, let alone after two bottles of brandy. What I find strange is that the lesson continued for sometime, with her falling off, before she collapsed in a stupor and the police were called. Surely she must have known it was all going to go downhill after the third off and better to retire home sharpish before it all ended up in tears?:stuck_out_tongue:

Emergency stops outside Threshers! :w00t::hehe:

Sometimes I’m so funny :cool:

HAHAHahahahaha, you can picture it… :smiley:

U turn after passing oddbins by mistake

Brandy bottle slalom. :hehe: