Don't speed in town.

OK, from the perspective of the car the coast was clear. He didn’t expect a motorcycle to come up on him at 120 km/h when the limit is 50 km/h.

That’s why, in town, for me its always 4th gear with a max of 60 km/h.

Looks like he target fixated. If he’d held his line he’d have been ok I think. Probably a bit shaken up though.

damn. looks like he got clean KOed

Speeding up to a junction like that, he should expect to have an accident like that sooner or later. Especially if decides to do an impersonation of a guided missile with the car as its target!

KO? He looks dead.

Regardless of speed limits, you never speed through a junction as there’s always going to be someone doing something when you least expect it.

Poor judgement :frowning: Hope he’s not dead…

Panic induced target fixation as joby said - hope he was ok in the end.

what can i say, im an optimist. thats kinda how shaky burns looked when he KOed himself coming out of paddock hill a few years back

Too right… he went for the front… what? did he think the Mercedes was going to stop and reverse in half a second… If you’re DUMB enough to think you can get away with those speeds in a town, at least make sure you know how to look after yourself…

OK, no one wishes hurt on anyone, but that idiot got his own reward…

'fraid to say he was killed (well according to nothing toxic), what I can t get over is that at the last second he turns INTO the car??

Anyone who’s tried to brake hard whilst turning will know you get pushed outwards, not inwards, but either way, he had no time to get out of harms way or to stop at that speed. RIP nutter.

:frowning: RIP just hope that others will learn from the fatal mistake that dude made. slow is smooth and smooth is fast eh?

FWIW, I did some research and the various newspaper articles said that he survived, although quite badly injured.

On a lighter note, while poking around for it I found this video of the German ADAC testing protective gear… I love their setup! “OK, that’s it, tip 'im off the bike mate!” :w00t::cool:


That was nasty but riding like that your gonna get hurt.

Yeah I agree, he just went straight at it!.. totally off the line he had. Hoping he was alright though


intresting…shows how shite textiles are if you slide…

the set up rocks!! he could have made if he had countersteered tho:hehe: if they was brits it would…ok…tally’ho…Bugger… i’ve bloody fallen orf again:D