Doctors waiting room.....

I’m sure that you have seen pharmaceutical advertising in doctor’s offices on everything from tissues to note pads.
Well, in my book, this one should get the prize…

I emailed it to my Chinese doctor friend.
He emailed back: “If light stay on for more than 4 hours, call your erectrician.”



ha nice spotting :D:hehe:

If they have the switch the right way round, won’t that be in droop when “turned on”?

lol i want it

What? The Viagra or the droop?

Always one ! Didn’t work any other way:D

Fantastic stuff, on both counts :slight_smile:

If there are two switches working the same light - e.g. turn the staircase light on with the switch in the hall … walk up stairs … turn the light off with the switch on the landing … both switches are now in the “on” position … but the light is off :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

I had an aunt with obsessive compulsive disorder who would only go to bed if both switches were in the “off” position … even if that meant she walked up the stairs by torch light :hehe:

Very funny.:smiley: