



I’d love to walk down the road with a ferret on a lead how quality would that be? LOL:D

Nah! I see your ferret and raise you a Gambian Pouched Rat on a leash!

I know people who have them as pets and walk them. They are small dog sized mega-cute rodents who are trained to detect land mines in Africa. I have seen them on sale in a Wiltshire petshop.

i want one too:) i’d take it on the bus going to work so i could get a seat:D

ill raise you one proud squirrel

how bout this chilled out fella:)

bet he`s a hit with the ladies :smiley:

how about this party animal:D

lol nice

This little guy has to be the coolest pet around:D

He’s a Tamandua, a mini anteater:D

I want one!!!:cool:




I know!!!:smiley:

Brilliant aint they?:smiley:

I saw one on telly the other night and had to google it:D

That’s awesome. I gotta get me an anteater! :slight_smile:

i want one of these!

Yesterday I encountered someone promoting the charity which pays for the training etc for the mine hunting rats. I have adopted a rat for €5 a month - more info here - Home Air Conditioning Guide: What Type Do I Need

does the direct debit stop when he goes KAABHOOOOOM:D

did see a program about this a while ago. very interesting:)

They don’t go boom as they are too light to trigger explosions - they just sniff out explosives. What goes “boom!” is the bloke who has to then go over to the mine and set the controlled explosion!

As the website (and the Animal Planet documentary I was given on DVD yesterday) says, they take over a year to train so the last thing the trainers want is for the rat to get blown up. They have a working life of about six years.

must be sugar free treats they feed them to keep the weight down:D