cscs card for tradespeople

Hi guys, I’m currently looking for a carpentry job. after finding my own work for 20 years i’ve never needed a cscs card but all the jobs i look for ask for one. I know how and where to get one but wondered how hard the test is and do i need training or is it simply a common sense test. any info would be great. cheers :slight_smile:

Unless things have changed, after twenty years you probably know more than you need to get your card, however it’s probably worth scouring the CITB site to see if they have details of what’s expected of you.

Don’t know if it’s still true, but when the card scheme started if you’d done a proper apprenticeship and had a bit of paper to wave, you automaticaly qualified for a card

If your going to work on building sites, you’ll probably also need to get the Site Health and Safety module done too. (Even the teaboy/gofor had to have that card on my sites.)

On the H&S front it’s worth mentioning that the CITB have got as paranoid about this as the rest of the country so it’s probably time you reviewed your work practices, your pretty certain to be tested on those. (If your tested at all.) Yeah, I know we all think we work safely all of the time, but do we? E.g. Do you always disconnect your power tools before making adjustments, I don’t.

Just had a look on the CSCS site ( which is a bit of a mess but if you punt around you’ll find a pdf on 8 steps to getting your card.

Looks like the Health and Safety module is compulsory for all things now (makes sense) and is a test separate from the Trade bit. Also looks like you can still get your trade card if you’ve done formal training and got the paperwork to prove it.

Not clear what’s involved if you self taught so your on your own if that applies to you.

cheers, thanks for the info. yes I did an apprenticeship and have the paper work so that may help.

thanks again