
Just a quick heads up to let you all know that I am still alive. Even better, not a bruise in sight! Despite the dodgy weather, and, unlike many others, I did not lob the bike down the tarmac or anywhere else. Results not bril but I had two 9th place finishes and two 10th placed finishes. In theory, I am now not a rookie… Snetterton in 2 weeks time, please, please, please can someone organise some decent weather.

Huzzah, glad to hear you’re well Chuffster! Positions sound good, it’s a small and tight circuit, nowhere to overtake? Hope to read about it soon. Congrats on graduating

Congrats on the survivel Shuffs. That is a nasty circuit indeed

Good consistent results to bring home, great for your confidence, well done.
I bet it feels good to get rid of the rookie jacket.

Top man!

Wahey! Well done Chuffster! Top ten finishes all around, and both the knight and the steed came home in one piece.

I’m sure we’ll get some sun once the hosepipe ban stops…