Stoved the side of my van in last night on a fuckin camoflaged bollard in the carpark at sainsbury’s. Didn’t see the thing as it was pitch black. You wouldn’t think 5mph would do so much damage. Reckon at least 1500 quids worth, BOLLOX.

Now, do I use all the overtime money I’ve just made or go thru insurance which will cost more in the long run? Fuck it, reckon a weeks wages is better than five years of no no claims bonus nonsence.

Crap number 2 is my bike just failed it’s MOT test on blown fork seals. The oil is all over the discs and contaminated the pads. Have not cleaned it since the st george run so is still filthy n that’s why I didn’t notice.

Someone did point out to me at Ali’s funeral that they had blown but as I’d only picked it up that morning I assumed it was just lube for when Gav put it all together. I did think the brakes weren’t quite what they should be but hey what do I know.

This is not a good day.


Pups take it to my brother inlaws body shop in Denham, GP bodycraft on the old A40 oppisite the BP garage he will do you a good job and has good experiance at fixing stuff like that without the need to replace panels if its a cash job he will do you a touch, PM me if your and ill give you his details before you go and ill tell him your coming you just may need to wait a bit sometimes he is very busy and has a few things on the go but he wont pull your pants down on the price

Cheers mate, will be in touch soon.

all this bad luck!!

just wondering who started all the bad luck… oh thats it…BARRO started it!!!

damn you barro!!

Ouch that looks nasty.

Oh! Guy I knew you should had Suzi driving!!!

Did ya report this accident to the store ?

If not and you were seen and reported you may get a knock on the door.

I do property damage claims for a big supermarket chain from this sort of thing. But as darryl Porkscrathin used to does say “I ain’t seen you right”.

Just wondering if I got a claim against the store for negligence. They neglected to maintain the lighting in the carpark and there was no highviz strip around the bollard. Perhaps I can get them on the new DDA regs?

It’s worth a go eh Puppy!

Puppy, if ya can take some photos and mail them to me, I would be in a better place to advise then.