Who keeps sending my PM begging for sex please stop it!
Is it YOU sending them to him??? har har
Its Ginger !!!
Wasnt me, well not today anyway
Then Barros right…its the Ginge minger !!!
my lips are sealed and my legs a crossed
Boys and Girls
lesson to be learnt here
dont put your name, email address, phone number, etc on the walls of strange bathrooms…
Nuts I did warn you about that Blue Oyster place didnt I?
Sorry mate, gets a bit lonely sometimes, you know how it is!
This should really go in the adult section.
Warn me about it, it was you that did it!
Which toilets ???
Hey George (Michael) have you been logging into LB again ?
Hmm, this thread is getting a bit metrosexual… I did say GIRL, not open offers like
ok yeah I admit it…
I did put your number up behind the bar…
Hey if you are posting about your sex life on a public forum, you should be expecting and willing to accept offers from all sexes hairy or not
No mention of girl in yout initial thread mi ole mukka!
this is beginning to look like the “who is single?” thread
And there was i thinking he was touting for a little non tax deductable income
Naaaa, just VAT exclusive!