Nice photos:) That runway looks scary :w00t: Laddies and gentlemen with have a slight crosswind
EDIT surely thats not the runwayy but A taxi lane! runway up ahead?
Great pix. I love the last one – someone had a lot of fun in that field!
lol…that dog with the sign is awesome! hahaaa:P
Nice find!
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It looks exactly like my dog, and she is naughty enough to do that on purpose:)
That wave is going to do some serious damage
the smilling sheep got 3 hears!
Ah ha, well spotted Miggy. Looking closely it seems that the goat (don’t think it is a sheep really) has another one very close behind it, possibly why it is smiling:)
Think the first one is Photoshopped half way across the screen and the Airport one I’d say are tampered with. Here’s some more tho.
The last one reminds me of someone.