So today I poke around on the Internet and what do I find? A wicked on-board video of a bunch of nutters going down the same road I rode last weekend. They did it in May and they headed the other direction but it’s still a superb way for you guys to see what riding here is like from the driver’s seat.
Follow this link:
Click on “Norway”
Select “Sognefjellsveien 2004”.
Then fast-forward a bit past these guys prattering for a minute in Norwegian.
They are going from Sognefjorden north towards Lom whereas I was coming the other way and turned off half way over the Sognefjellet Road (where they pass a large red house on the left). You can see there was still some snow on the ground next to the road… last weekend it was completely clear, but not as sunny. Nice road though as I’m sure you’ll all agree