Content Tag Clouds - Most Common Content

We’ve launched a new feature for the main news and articles listing pages that show what are the most popular tags, otherwise known as subjects, that describe the content we publish.

The common tags are represented as what’s called a tag-cloud, a way of seeing an alphabetical list of the common tags, with the most popular ones shown in a larger size to the others. Clicking on any one of them will take you to the tag page which lists all the content for that tag.

It’s another way of helping people see what sort of content we publish often. Searching is all well and good, but browsing for content is just as important in my eyes.

Here’s an example from the listing page:


How do i find the Endurance news Jay?

I keep losing the tab:crazy:

There’s a yellow search box on the listings pages where you can search for a tag. Though just try this: