Commeting on other Bikers Riding

It’s incredible the way people are capable of changing personality as soon as they get on a bike or in a car (me included :wink: ) - the kind of aggression and behaviour that you wouldn’t dream of displaying if someone gets in your way/bumps into you walking around say a crowded shopping centre or in a busy pub - but which we do get involved in out on the road.Admittidely part of the reason is that the stakes are much higher (particularly on a bike) - when someone does cut you up and hits you or causes you to crash.I guess we are reacting like our cavemen ancestors did to being charged by a rhinocerous or an elephant or something - it’s fight or flight.

You know what i’ve had it with all of you. Each person has their own opinion on everything and they are entitled to that. Who are we to be all high and mighty to tell anyone off for doing anything in this life of ours, that lets be honest is a very short life, so lets just ignore everything and carry on with our own lives.

If i decide that i want to rant, smack, slap, punch, kick something or run away:P thats my choice. If you want to let bigons be bigons and turn the other cheek, walk away or any other reaction you deem right then thats your decision.

As with the NTBP people, do what you want, just don’t expect everyone to accept it.

And breath…:smiley:

Not quite the same Blade, but noted;)

Whassup PJ, new bike packed up? :D:P

Only joking dude. Surely you dont have to moderate this stuff do you? And no I am not telling anyone how to to their job. Most of this kind of back and forth keyboard warrior stuff is regurgitated gobshite IMHO and wears itself out in the end. (NBPT included - but some new people come on here and want to do their keyboard warrior bit) They’re all nice people really.

And Breathe… :smiley:

Personally, I think you’re all a bunch of highly strung cnuts! :hehe:

yup, that’s me, but my mouth seems to be quite a good pressure release valve… for me anyway… :slight_smile:

Amazing how many people believe that what they say now represents “who they are” and will do “4evah”…

So transient, so thin, the things we say that “make us who we are” are words used today based on what you learnt yesterday…

Who knows what tomorrow will bring… do you?

I don’t mind being called names but if it is please have the decency to state that same goes for anyone and trust me i am no keyboard warrior … i will also tell you to your face wht i think regardless of who you are etc Makes me laugh that because i have the audacity or is it ability and conviction to voice my opinions against the norm or is it a Forum rule that thou must not speak out against the members Their way is the only way ?Pj this thread is called commenting on others riders if you wish to make this personal then please do by all means I don’t know you but i will gladly do this . As said i am not holier than thou … my speedo has a habit of being number dyslexic and all other little things . But what i cannot stand is this We ride a bike and that makes ussuperior bullshit… So what if a car cuts you up … yes its ******* annoying but why feel the need to gain revenge. And my reasoning on my posts with regards to the incident that caused Pj’s remarks I fully understand the riders fear at the time of the intial incident but they then Provoked the other party further This resulted in the car driver Drivng against on coming traffic The Rider riding along pavements and pedestrianised areas with pedestrians using them … And in this action how many innocent lives were put at risk ? If that car driver had hit an oncoming car and the occupants had been severely injured or killed … yes the car driver would be to blame but also the Poster would have been to blame as well or his actions caused the driver to take such drastic action. And as Blade mentions that if someone had been struck on the pavement this all again is due to that initial action of revenge If when your all riding you only think of your safety then you are being selfish you share that road too … yes all this sounds like text book crap and i know other road users dont apply this and yes there are instances shown on this forum but deal with it and move on and just put it in that memory bank of near misses … not because of what i did someone innocent got involved and hurt Holier than thou or common sense you decide ? And alex im not a (unt Im not as useful

Amen bruvver! :DYes, take a few deep breaths mate and come to Boxhill for the slowcoaches ride on Sunday. There will be no drunken car drivers mowing people down, or debates on road etiquette, just a nice Sunday tootle and some lovely cups of tea:) :-)And calm…:wink:

Don’t worry TimR - I think going against the grain in society or in bike forums for that matter every now and again is the essence of progress.

I hate the whole sheep like/tribal/group think mentality that exists in all areas of life including biking.

One of the aspects of biking culture I like the most is the emphasis on individualism.

Has anyone read ‘Lord of the Flies’? :wink:

I thought that The Hobbit was better. :hehe:

You all ride like sh*t, even TimR:D

thats blasphemous that is insulting a member of the clerical order …

see now we know why you zoom off in the distance … so no one can actual see your riding to comment on :stuck_out_tongue:

At the end of the day, what it comes down to is who is the best looking bloke on here…

and thats me…

And I’m god like on 2 wheels.


I would have told him to eat a d*ck up and get a real motorcycle. What goes around comes around.

I’ve left scooters for dead at 60mph+ their speed with a meter to spare, does that make me an assh0le? Who cares. If you constitute a moving traffic problem you get treated like one.

Stop caring so much about what other people think.

Next time rev your engine and say “Excuse me? I can’t hear you over the sound of how awesome I am!” :smiley: