C'mon you slaaaaaaags

**As some of you know i have a poly tunnel which i grow plenty of veg in and desperatley need empty pot noodle containers to put tomato seeds in:) so if you are one of these sad people who eat noodles of the potted variety can you save your pots for me pleeeeeaaassseee:D **

Would natural organic yoghurt pots do the same job? :slight_smile:

+1 got loads of greek yogurt pots :wink:

No - i think they only grow in pot noodle pots… :smiley:
Be funny if they did only grow in pot noodle pots!

Well any “big” pots will do the job fine :smiley: but i need lots of em to start my tomato’s off in as i grow 27 different varietys:w00t:

i didnt know there were that many… i love tomatos…
Can i be your Chief Taster? go on go on go on!

Gladly lol they are soooo nice grew some gorgeous plum toms last year that were so sweet and they were HUGE!!:w00t:

Cottage cheese pots any good ? :smiley:

You have huge plums? :wink:

I’ll get my coat…

**Have a read up here Ian **

I will try Wasp but i have to be in the ‘mood’ for not poodles :smiley:

sorry don’t do pot noodles!:stuck_out_tongue:

no freakin way, cup noodles rule!

If you add another 30 varieties you can go into business making Ketchup :cool:

I’ve got lots of small brown bottles if that helps?

And even in my drug addled state I wouldn’t eat a pot noodle. :alien:

I do but not that often. will save you a few and give em to you when u come to do my boots :smiley:

HANNA!!!:w00t: lol
Thanks guys mucho appreciated any big yoggy pots will do to :D…eezy…Ketchup naaa mate tomato pickle is better;)

they made them healthy the ****** *******:slight_smile: