Chuffster down

got this off the boxhill site i know a lot of you know Chuffster thought i had better let you know if i hear any more will let u know.

"Just had a call from Chuffster, he was taken off his 636 this evening Sad . Bike is apparently mullered, he’s ok apart from a few aches & bruises and his kit is mullered along with the bike but at least he’s in one piece.

Sounds like he was sideswiped and hit 2 other cars in the process, the car that hit him did not stop.

He’s unlikely to be around for a few days as a result."

SH!T… Hope your ok Chuffster mate???

Hope your ok Chuffster, Bad news about the bike and even worse that the FU**ERS did’nt stop, i can’t imagine how angry you must feel. Anyway mend soon

Oh b0ll0cks.

Another crash.

Is this the normal attrition rate for a group of bikers?

Hope he’s back on his feet soon and has no probs with insurance.

(Prob should’ve been riding ol’ faithful the 7R instead of new lightweight ‘shiny thing’. 7R woulda smote them cars good and shrugged it off, then gone after t0ssp0t and tore him a new one.)

“then gone after t0ssp0t and tore him a new one.)”


S*&t so sorry to hear that mate. Hope you heal soon you and the bike.

Hope you’re alright, and somone got the w*nker’s number plate.

Not good, hope you’re okay mate…

A big get well soon Chuffster, hope your ok buddy! Sorry to hear about the bike, hope your back up in no time and get things sorted!


Sorry to hear. Hope he’s ok. Get well soon if your reading this. Anyone got his number? If so call him up and find out if he’s ok.

sad logging on and seeing this .

get well chuffster, and hope the driveris caught.

When you read this Chuffster, know that you have our full support! Hope you’re not too badly battered, and that the bike/legal/insurance issue isn’t too confused. Let us know how you get on fella!

Best wishes from “across the pond”…I hope you heal up quickly and are able to track the person(s) responsible for this and get it sorted out with their insurance.

Thanks for posting this RB

Just got back from the rescue mission using Chuffsters Thunderbird 10 van

Bike is in a very sorry state, forks bent lots of stuff leaking

Popped into see Chuff at the hosp after rescuing the bike, showed me some of his war wounds. When I left he was heading back for more x-rays. His right arm has some bone damage, left left has some nasty bruising and road rash, left elbow has a big graze too, he says thanks for the messages and gave the obligatory salute

Whoa scuffed nose cone!!! Some sort of somersault involved?

By sounds of it he was sideswiped and clipped a car on the left then ploughed into the back of another car - bike has been upside down for sure - screen is cracked and reservoirs trashed - pillion seat is scuffed up too.

I managed to ride the bike 50 yds last night to get it closer to the van - interesting zero rake steering geometry - like riding a TL1000S!

Update. Chuff was kept in overnight with his leg elevated to try & help the swelling subside. Also his right hand is in plaster as he has fractured a bone in his hand - not sure which bone - from description sounds like either the pisiform bone, Lunate Bone or the Triquetrum Bone. Will confirm when I know. By sounds of it the plaster is more to protect it from being knocked than to hold in place. Have passed on best wishes this morning

He’s still in Hospital as we speak, will find out whether he wants calls later on


All the best during your recovery period, I’m sure you will have the bike fixed in due course, as for catching the scum that did it


What a pisser, I’ve texted him to tell him we’ve all left our best-wishes, but I think we can do a bit better and send him a card, or visit him. Biggus, do you know what hospital? Looks like West-Middlesex? Nice one for helping him out.

I hope he has witnesses, or can get cctv footage of the person that did it. Sounds like a right pain in the ass for insurance, because of multiple parties involved.

aw ****

sorry to hear that rich, if you need any help, you know how to contact me