I own a CBR600 (M-W) and the headlight has blown. This is the second time that it’s happened and this time around I’ve changed the fuse and the bulb but it still won’t work. got any suggestions?
had the bulb or fuse blown??? or did you just change them to see if it made a difference???
May have a bad earth! or the “live” to the light may be grounding on your frame??? try the wiring loom round the yokes and into the frame.
If your bike is blowing bulbs, check the rectifier/regulator unit. It’s a good sign that the voltage generated by the alternator isn’t being regulated and that could be the cause of the lamps blowing…
Get it checked before the over voltage cooks your battery!.
A Haynes manual will explain the output test.
If the headlight still isn’t working, check the wiring along the circuit and check the switch. Sometimes the contacts in the plug that pushes on to the back of the headlight unit can corrode, so check them too…
the headlight blew about a month ago and i changed the bulb and it was fine. it blew again on tuesday so i changed the fuse and it didn’t work so i changed the bulb and it still doesn’t work. the bike is an import and i’m away from home so i don’t have a manual with me…doh lol and it’s a ball ache taking all the pannelling off, god i’m lazy lol