i checked my bank account today to find £90 missing. checked my statement and its gone on T mobile top ups and payments to such sky channels as television X and the fantasy channel (not me this time!!:whistling
further investigation by my bank suggests that these were telephone or internet transactions hence no need for the pin number.
the last legal transaction was to a petrol station on the highway, E1. the bank reckon these petrol stations do not blot out all of your card digits on the sales slip like tescos etc do, and they sell your card details. I had heard of this before, but thought it would never happen to me. its especially annoying as i work in fraud investigation myself.
so from now on, i shall mainly be avoiding certain tower hamlets petrol stations, and paying for petrol in cash!!!
I’ve got a bank card and credit card. Couple of years ago my bank, and soon after the credit card company, contacted me and asked if i had recently been to Australia. Someone was out there hammering my cards. I was sent recent statements and asked to mark off any withdrawels i hadnt made. These guys were having a blast at my expense.
The only time i had used both cards was my local petrol station in Dartford. Got all my money back. If they were a bit more discreet using my card, they would probably still be spending on it today
There is NOTHING potential about it. This fraud is very real. I have experienced it personally first hand.
About a month ago, my Bank Card got stopped. Nothing would go through.
I called NatWest, they looked into and said, “Yeah, Mr Stokes. Scotland Yard had a call from the police in Sri Lanka saying they’d discovered about 5000 “blanks” (un-branded bank cards) with UK bank account holder details on them. Yours was one of them. So they asked us to cancel them all. As far as we know nothing has left your account but please check and we will reimburse anything abnormal. We will also be sending new cards.”
Further discussion gleaned the fact that NatWest ahd been warned about Sri Lankan run Petrol Stations in and around London on several occassions previously.
There is almost a “mafia like” world of petrol stations owned and run by Sri Lankans in London and some (but clearly not all) are corrupt. Having worked on a documentary about gangs in London, I know for a fact from people within the Sri Lankan community that ex-Tamil Tigers who are in too much trouble at home in Sri Lanka with the authorities come to the UK for a “fresh start” but as illegal immigrants they are forced quite quickly to turn to crime. What are there two main sources of income. Extortion and creidt card crime.
So…back to the petrol stations.
IF YOU EVER SEE YOUR CARD DISAPPEARING BELOW THE COUNTER and you can’t see what’s happening (ie which card reader the attendant is swiping it through) ask for it back immediately. Do NOT let them take money on your card unless you can see the swipe process. Seriously. There is no need for it to be hidden, and frankly it shows poor customer respect to hide that element of taking your money especially when fraud is so easy.
This is not a paranoid warning. This IS real. It does happen. I know it happened to me, not a friend, not a friend of a friend. Got it…
This is Big Love Man Kenobi, keeping the word on the street legible and real, peace love and bling, Peace out, Yo yo yo!
They just caught 2 lovely waiters from Bradford doing a £20K carding spree, with another £30K attempted frauds they admitted to . . . facing the full wrath of the law they got 2 year suspended sentences, that’ll certainly send out shockwaves to the UK carding fraternity and may well scare the entire lot of them out of business . . . .
Ooh yeah, “suspended sentence”.
Wow, the cops just did me for ripping off people for thousands of pounds and I was told I didn’t have to go to jail, I just had to promise not to do anything like this ever again…I’m sure I’m going to take their advice and learn the error of my ways.
Really bloody effective.
Lawyers…are you lot listening. You lot have made this system, and in your greedy little worlds that are rewarded for continuing this ineffective and pointles waste of time our society now is full of this sort of STUPIDITY.
If you are there to uphold justice and represent people fairly, let’s have a little fair for the victims of crime as well as the “potentially falsely accused” eh…
Whilst out in France on our last trip I used my card only once and that was to fill up at the Euro Truck Terminal.
(Remember the one guys and gals ? The one where we had to show our passports just to get fuel ? )
When I got back home I tried to use the Cash Point two days later and it spat my card back at me !!
I went to the Bank and made enquires !!
27 Transactions at that one location in France !!!
Card Cloned and that Account slaughtered !!
I had an interview with the Bank Manager and an Officer from The Fraud Squad. I had proof of my return date to the UK and that tallied with the transactions in France whilst I was home.
They deleted those Transactions from my Statements and replenished my Account with my losses !!
With you on the “lawyers are the scum of the earth” feelings. Got 2 cases on the boil in civil court at the mo, the only ones making any money at all are the bleedin’ solicitors, barristers and judges. Bunch of. Don’t get me started…
you know also one of the worst things is, we would all pay lower interest on our cards, accounts, etc etc if fraud was not so riffe…
The only people paying is us really, and also I agree, get away with £20k and told your not going to jail and had another £30k in wait, that is almost worth the risk for me having a crack if I had any idea how to do it that is.
I recently had fraud on my card intercepted before losing any money (it was a cloned card it seems) - I had only recently used my debit card to pay for petrol (last dozen or so transactions). From now on, I pay with cash at these places.
Was in Richer Sounds in Holbourn the other day, two dodgy looking blokes (Albanian, couldnt speak English and very dirty) wanting to buy at big plasma telly, handed card to manager who chuckled and said to them “which one of you two is Michael Smith” and both of them pointed at each other. Manager then took to piss out of them as they had stuck a bit of paper on the back of the card in the signature strip where he had tried to fake his signature. Blokes then legged it.
I asked the manager how he remained so calm and he told me that it happens two to three times a day. He never calls the police as they dont bother tuning up most of the time.
i tend to pay with cash at most petrol stations. Chip and PIN doesn’t seem to be working as well as the pilot schemes indicated it would. cash is the way forward, you can’t clone a ten pound note!
Your right Drei, but what gets me is that these little scroats are (without wishing to sound racist) predominantly Asian/Black/Indian where I live and they are so blatantly up to no good and begging to be asked “where do you get the cash from?”. WHY oh WHY do the police get hammered for the fact that “stop and search” stats show a bias towards Asian/Black/Indian kids??? Surely the bleedin obvious answer is because they put themselves out there as targets!!!
Oh and just for the record, please dont interpret that last reply as me being racist. Anyone who thieves my money deserves the same painful death regardless of colour, class, or religion!
Without wanting to get on my high horse, posting things like that on a forum DOES make you look racist.
Maybe that’s the case where you live, but if you look to other places, especially those run down places outside of London you will find plenty of white folk up to no good. In all honesty, there’re probably plenty of white people up to no good in your area but you could be too blind to see it.
Well apologies if that comment sounded bad. Yes it is like that in some areas here (in my experience) but that in no way detracts from the fact that people of all colour/race/religion get up to no good.
Lets not allow peoples opinion of whether or not I am racist detract from the valid thread (which incidentally seems to focus on a specific nationality!!!). If you wanna vent your opinions of me based on that comment please feel free to PM me and I will try to make my point more eloquently.
I feel a moderation coming on now so apologies to anyone offended by a comment that meant none.