Theres a Marks and Sparkz near me where the Shoppers = rather than go around Camdens One Way System, they turn Left in to a One Way Street and try to gun it approx 100yrds to Camden High Street.

There have been people hit, Bikers, Pedestrians, Cyclists and other Cagers.

This Stupid Tart tried it…and Hit another Motor…not any Motor “No No No”… This ones

“A Special kind of Motor”…

Take a look !!!

(The Motor in question can just be made out behind hers)

Your History this time Bitch !!!

(I didnt get any better pics as I was told…“move along, nothing here for you to see” ).

Haha That’s made my day

serves the stupid cow right!!!

Goody goody gum drops!!!

See what happens when you give a woman a driving licence.

that looks like justice being done and “thanks for the pics” being seen to be done,

I remember you posting up about this one-way system ages ago Barro. Only that time it was a car v bike.

These people are a**eholes.

Anyway, how the hell did she miss a jam sandwich coming towards her??

Serves her right and hope she gets a ban.