car rant

:angry:well im fuming with my 4 wheeled automobile.
last week everything is tick-a-t-boo bar a bonnet catched which had siezed up meaning it was only secured by the latch. obviously this isn’t safe so didnt use the car. renault wanted £155 to change…screw that! WD40, and some elbow grease and its free again. whacked on some grease and refitted…hooray! :slight_smile: bonnet now operating as usual.
come to start it…nothing. turns over but doesn’t fire! now it could be the bloody fuel pump!
its just one thing after another with this bloody french piece of ****! :angry:

you should have just said my cars french and we could have filled in the blanks:)

lol. i can’t believe its started this chain reaction of faults. was spot on till december. then its just been one problem after another.
now its either fuel pump or wiring to fuel pump :angry:

Well it’s French so “one out, all out”, they just can’t agree what date.

Yes, I’ve owned a Renault too. The only car I know of that needed a clutch PEDAL replaced every third year.

Thank god they don’t build (proper) motorcycles.

I wouldn’t have a Peugeot or Renault given to me. Shite in a shape, extortionate to repair and for some reasons the wheels on French cars always look too narrow :slight_smile:
I bought a second hand VOLVO s60 off ebay and it goes like a bomb.


Could be wrong, but thought there was a recall on Clio bonnet catches last year???
They were featured on Watchdog.

yep that was a recall. not sure about last year though. my car had it done back in 2004. renualt uk said it would be done FOC however renault in milton keynes wanted £155. tbh the part doesn’t fail. as part of the service on the cars the catches should be greased (this hadn’t been done) and so it seized up. i removed the catch, lots of WD40 and elbow grease and it came loose. whacked on some grease and its working perfectly now.
however latest fault is a combination of fuel pump and electronic fault indicator light. it’s going into renault on weds and i’ll be bending over when it comes to the bill:(

That’ll be a typical Renault problem. Being French, they won’t buy on any proven quality bits from Germany, Chec Republic, or even Italy so they make their own sh*t and get it wrong.

Their cunning bit is to then put the whole lot together with the electric string stuff so that one small fault will show as several others as well.

If you can find an honest Renault mechanic, ask about elecrical problems on 3 year old + Laguna’s. If it’s loaded with the toys, the bills are so eye watering they make running a Jag look cheap.

One Renault in my life was more than enough.