Canadian Idol Chick Farts On Stage

This is a stinky way too not make it lol


uuhhhhh jay americans come from america and canadians come from canada hence y there called different names ya scope reject!!!

Quite, I somehow missed the Canadian aspect, never-mind I think it’s because she sounded American. Still, very funny all the same.

hahaha lol nice audition

i’ll bet she gets a contract out of it.

What are you trying to say, exactly?! LOL

I think it’s because she sounded American

WE are NOT AMERICANS!…hmm must be just like all you guys sound Irish to us

That’s not quite right either…the Irish actually have a sense of humour. LOL

And besides…it’s only a matter of time before Canada becomes the 51st State anyway. Hehehe…most of the Canadians live as close to the U.S. as possible (something like 80% of the entire population within 30 miles of the border)…may as well make it “official.”

I’ll keep schtum

Canada the 51st state ? …lol!. Gregman thats sum real good weed ur smokin , besides if memory serves me right, Canada is the only country that actually invaded America and burnt down the White House in 1812.…as for living close to the border think of it as being at the zoo, we like to see what’s happening on the other side of the fence

Haha!! Nice one! (I hope you know this is all tongue in cheek, right? Just yanking your chain…I used to live in Toronto and would give my Canadian friends a hard time like this quite often.)