HI all, i have just had a call from a mate who has just installed a blueflame high level exhaust to his 06 gixer 1000. He has removed the cat on the install …the question is he has now got F1 flashing up on his dash???
hi guys i fitted volocety stacks to a k5 the other day and a day or so later the f1 light came on we went all through bits and peices and found out that the power commander had gone belly up so diconneted the thing and the light went off stright away so if he has one try that mate
FI error means fuel injection error so mostly likely faulty wiring or a the power comander screwing things up. If the exhaust is a slip on shouldn’t have this prob but obv if its a whole system things will differ…nto sure i get this error and just turn the bike on and off and it goes away…
in my exxpirience warning lights genraly lead to over spending so the simple way to solve this is to take a peice of electrical tape (if you havent got a roll ask an italian bike rider they always have electrical repair stuff) cut a small square and place it over the warning light problem solved
On some power-commanders (including mine) there was a firmware bug that meant the F1 light came on when red-lining the bike, i.e. VERY fast/hard riding. It doesn’t mean anything and resets with the ignition.
whenever you fit an after market exhaust to a gixxer with exhaust valve, in the fitting instructions it will tell you about a wire which has to be removed from the ecu plug. if anyone out there still has the instructions from a yoshi, it will be listed in there.
oh on a final note, K6 with a blueflame exhaust??? are times really that hard??? i mean please…