Hey all, as some of you may know I went to California Superbike School on Monday and Tuesday at Silverstone which was a really good experience except we was on the Stowe Circuit which might I add is a crap circuit, lol. I believed that I was going on the GP track! Anyhoo, A lot of classroom work on the art of cornering, speed entry and exits, bike stability, positioning and mind over matter work. Both days was 10 hours in adjustments of 20 minute sessions and then back into the classroom and so on… It was a good laugh and I learnt a lot throughout the two days, it has made me aware of many more things and helped me in the mind over matter part.
The only thing was is that there was a lot of beginners there and not enough track for 20 people without having to slow your roll waiting for the straights to overtake… Another bad point is that your in the classroom more than on the track, I’ve got some pictures anyway!
What Level were they on? No one binned it as far as I know however some one binned a new R6R on the first day which was quite funny! I see a Black 1000RR but wasnt in my group mate
Nice one Hennessy! Welcome to the track! There’s less track-time and more class-room as it’s geared towards people who want to learn the art of cornering, allow them to go away and do trackdays where they can put theory into practice.
Good pictures, looks like you got the street-fighter R6?? Hehehe… One tip: ride on your toes at the track, not your heels, you’ll be touching your toes down first and that’ll freak you out. So when’s the next trackday? The LB one??
I know I ride duck foot and I couldn’t get out of the habit, lol. I keep putting my toes up but somehow they seems to always go back down again. Scraped my toes a couple of times on the track, and got my knee down which was enjoyable but the photographer stopped taking photos so the last two sessions where I were doing my best I haven’t got any photos of…
Hope to do some Track Days, whats the LB one?
Yes Andrew another purchase, only a £500 Alpinestar jacket! Tis rather nice though
I was going to comment that your sliders were looking a bit shiney !.. … good to hear you got your kneedown, sweet the first time it happens and it just gets easier after that (I have only got it down on roundabouts though and not a track… )
How does insurance work on one of these things ? Does the fact that it is a school and not a trackday make a difference ? or is your insurance void if you set foot on anything that resembles a track ?