California Girls at 8am

If this doesn’t put a smile on your face I don’t know what will, enjoy :slight_smile:!

needs shooting

with a harpoon gun :slight_smile:

That really wasn’t what I was expecting from the title. :crazy:


He gives ol’ Katy Perry a run for her money…

If your going to record me, ask for my permission first! :Whistling:

Another reason I hate fat people.

Next person to take the piss out of someone with a mental disability… you come find me first…
and I’m not XXXXXXXXX (expletive deleted) kidding ok

any need?


he reminds me of my uncle a small bit lmao and at first i thought it was him haha what a brave dude tbh lol

EDIT - Sorry I really couldn’t be fucked have this discussion at all. If that response to this thread was really so confusing and so misunderstood, then I’m not wasting my time any further. Knock yourselves out

You obviously misread mine.

I asked if there was any need for your comment?

You don’t have to cry about it.

What about people jumping to conclusions that someone’s got a mental disability going by looks alone?
Do they have to come and find you first before they do that???

theres a few vids of this guy

Nice one Panagiotis, a much better song.

I hope you asked for Toby’s permission to post this :hehe:

There’s a guy who gets on my bus who proper rocks out, he must be in his 70’s but he’s got these massive headphones and he dances like a GILF on a Friday night in Sinatras.

Go on son!!!

He makes my day :smiley:

Apologies to all, my mistake.
Jewell, no offence meant.
I have my reasons for being very sensitive about people bullying people with mental issues, but here I did jump to conclusions and I was wrong and out of order.

Personally I would like to help him hit those high notes…if you get my meaning. :slight_smile:


very funny lol,

Don’t we love public transport?

OMG, Get a life, get a bike!
