Should have been a poll . . . who could see the car was about to overtake so biker should have held back and who thought the cager was a complete winker and deserved a damn good thrashing :w00t:
its one of those accidents where I guess in insurance terms its the bikers fault as he was behind the car…am I right darryl…but as a biker I am sure it is something we all have to recognise and be aware of…car drivers get more frustrated than us at having go sit behind slow moving traffic…we have plenty of opportunities to pass cars but on an opening stretch of road you have to be aware of cars trying to overtake…and not looking in their mirrors,
its why I think that there is a real case for saying bikes can overtake on double whites.(where it is safe to do so)…because cars cant and wont…well mostly they dont…and so its safer for a bike…
Both at fault if you ask me. The rider should have anticipated the car trying to overtake, and the car driver was obviously not checking his blind spot. Would be interesting to see which way the blame would swing with this. I wonder if the camera evidence could be used in court, if needed? Lesson to be learned: Always expect the unexpected!
For a start they are both on the wrong side of the road…lol
Biker should have been more aware of the road in front of the car and realise that the car was going to pull a manouvre, plus if he had a good set of cans the car driver would have heard him and so let him pass…
That’s not my experience, some car drivers simply want to race me and will do whatever they can to keep ahead. Had a Golf 1.6 :w00t: do this yesterday morning, astonishing how he drove to try and stay ahead of a bike that overtook him so easily just a few seconds later
I think it’s hilarious that these guys go out and buy a 1.6 golf/ generic boy-racer car, and spend a small fortune on body-kits, wheels, turbo’s, little flashy light things etc… Then I go out and pay £1500 for a 10 year old, bog standard CBR600f, and thrash them into the ground in the first two gears!:w00t::w00t:
I thought that too, but looking again you can clearly see the shadow of the car in front of the red one! I think the driver of the car was about to get more than a mouthful…ha ha
Seems to me the car started to move almost at same time as the bike. Bike should have been aware of possibility and allowed for it but equally the car driver wasn’t looking either… But they’ve just come out of a bend doing 70 odd ,would have thought another second or two to make sure would have been a good idea for both of them.
Based on what I can see in that video, the 2nd car along is way too far off for the red car to begin an overtake manouvre, especially considering there is a powerful sportsbike behind him. His swing out into the oncoming lane is violent and not an overtaking manouvre.
Lesson? Some people don’t think about the consequences of their actions until one, or both of you, can’t walk anymore or worse. That’s alright. Anyone did that to me and left me alive, I’d only think until after I’d beat them to death with their own shoes.
Lesson 2: overtake using the full width of the road. If he’d been out on the far line when he started that overtake he could have been past the car before the prick thought about blocking him.