Got a problem with my 99 Busa, I bought it from a dealer at the end of September. I keep it garaged when it’s not in use.
However, since the cold weather has arrived I have been leaving it a day or two between rides, but when I do go to use it the bike will start but the clock resets, almost like the battery goes flat for the first two or three turnovers. But the Busa does start! Can anyone shed some light? Do I just need a new battery?
does the clock go off as you turn the ignition on…or as you press the button to start the bike…
if the former then you could have an ignition switch fault, ie a cable damaged or a loose connection or the4 switch itself has gone…
if its the latter then it could be your battery, but the clock needs a tiny amount of power, the engine tons of it so when you start it it may be drawing every last bit of battery power you have…so shutting down the clock and making it reset…
Start by charging the battery with a slow charger and see what happens…
Had the same problem with my R1 for a while now. Now that the cold weather has come it does it in the mornings too but before that it was only after a ride ?? Id get in to work and have to switch off to go and get the fob for the garrage and when I got back on and tried to start up it was as if there was not enough power to get the engine turned over (would slowly roll over two or three times) and my clocks and rev counter would just go mad. Try again and she would start with a hand full of throttle (not something ive ever needed to do in the past) but my clocks and tripometers would all reset. As I say this is now happening in the mornings too and also after id had the battery on charge the night before.
Had the same problem… bike would JUST ABOUT start on cold days… Just get a new battery people!
Today I got mine swapped, the original one was in there since new (it said 1999 on it) and my mechanic reckons that bike batteries typically only last about 5-7 years, so I can’t really complain…
Especially with a Blackbird/Busa/R1 you don’t want to have to push start a bike like that… first you’ll kill yourself trying to get it moving and then when it fires you’ll have a hard time catching up to it :w00t:
get a new battery it’s the most common neglected part, people try to prolong (the problem) by charging etc, if you don’t know how old the battery is, just get a new one !!
p.s. i have a 'busa and a blackbird…can’t make my mind up !!!
Hi Jay , be very careful , these early busa’s had a problem with the starter clutch …if the battery is weak it can cause the starter cluthc to jam and spit it out of the case …i don’t want to panic you , just make sure your battery is good and can spin the engine over quickly
Jay, I’ve had a couple of early ones and they both had the same thing. One was new and the one I have now has a new battery but they both refused after a 3 days or so standing, sometimes better in the summer. Mine has an alarm which obviously drains a tad and they just seem touchy when the voltage isn’t tip top.
I keep mine on an Optimiser now which keeps the battery happy and never have trouble unless I leave the lights on even for seconds when not running Heavy traffic with low revs, lights on and the fan cutting in are a killer too
Heavy traffic, low revs and fan can be a killer with my ZX12R too! The bikes have similar characteristics in these respects. An optimiser is the way forward for winter … assuming that you have somewhere to plug it in.
a buddy of mine had a simular problem so time ago. It was the starter clutch that went becuase of a low battery. Basically the bike was making a funny noise when he hit the button. Cost about 350 euro to fix. The battery needs to be kept topped up (if not gettng regular use) as the engine has such high compression.