
I am SO very very bored! I have not got the energy to do any stupid work and cannot concentrate on anything I am supposed to be doing.

I’m THAT bored I have a boring fact for you all to read

Canada exports more cabbage to the USA than the rest of the world combined

Now then… isn’t that boring… is it time to go home yet??? Yawn!

Gp, you’ve now resorted to finding facts on cabbage??

You sound even more bored than I am, and I’m losing the will to live!!!

Have you seen Gazza’s avatar? That is how I’m feeling at the moment sat in front of my computer!

Here’s another boring fact for you to read and waste our pathetic working lives dwelling on:

Genetically speaking, humans are 98% identical to the Halibut.

Double yawn!

oh poor pixie.

cant stop the boredom, know how you feel but did you know that if the global warming continues in the northern hemisphere there will be a shortage of rhubarb!!

as it needs cold to grow apparently!!!

Ah well did you know… Guinea pigs are actually bi-sexual?

Poor Pixie darling, just think it`s the weekend tomorrow.


Dear Lord! How can life go on like this!!! No RHUBARB!

Pixie this will make you think and laugh, just think on ginger on the pull and the sort of one linres he`d come out with.

I actually cant imagine what lines he’d use…

In fact, I cant imagine he would pull full stop

OMG this guinea pig is like sooooo camp

You jest gp, but it is true!!

Guinea pig gang bang

That is low, you must be a bit bored.

7 mins and counting!!!

5 mins and counting

4… Oooh the days starting to get exciting now!!!

<GASP> no it can’t be it’s…

3 mins and counting…!!! I can’t handle it!!!

1 goddam minute! HURRY UP FOR F**K SAKE!


Ginger: “Is your surname Jacobs?”

Girl: “No”

Ginger: “well it should be, coz your a cracker