BMW S 1000 RR Superbike Unveiled

We’ve run the news story for it:

Those feeling brave will also appreciate the technical PDF linked in there :slight_smile:

i like the grey, silver, gun metal frame colour option, if its priced right i reckon they’re onto a winner…

Separated at birth… :hehe:

Just the front view though.



also whats with the different side panels? couldnt they make up their minds? :Whistling:

lol tough crowd!

BMW has some sort of tradition of asymmetrical headlight design, so give 'em a break on that. In Germany we call them “Karl Dall edition”:

So, not too enthusiastic to trade in your R1s then lads? :wink:

yeah the Asymmetrical thing is a little funky - think it looks ok on that bike though, a little more ubtle than it is on my BM ! :smiley: