BM 25/7/12

Who’s going to be at BM tomorrow?

I have a meeting in London Bridge so will be down on foot, haven’t seen a lot of you guys in forever!

Love love.

I’ll be there…I usually shift over to BH around 8/9

I’ll be there.
Nice place when the sun shines :slight_smile:

I’ll be there

I will be there :cool:

Should be there in civies. Looks like a nice evening for it.

Depending on the time I finish work I’ll be down…

I’m hoping to be there!
Got a college interview/induction thing in the afternoon, so I should be able to make it.

Karleigh. Want a lift to BH then home tomorrow? If my GF isn’t using her lid / or with me you’re more than welcome to ride bitch XD

Might dust off the ktm for this

Would be good to see you mate, its been an age.

Sounds like a plan:)

I’ll be down tomorrow. Will either walk straight down from work - depending on what time I finish - or go home by public transport and ride back up.

Anyway - will look forward to it :slight_smile:

will be there if the weather is still this good.

Oh could be tempted after work, don’t finish till 7 though :frowning:

Nice to see a few folks down BM this evening :slight_smile: Pity I couldn’t stay longer.

Ah t’was good to be back in a busy BM… :slight_smile:

Good to see Jaime made it off the loo… Having shaken his hand, I now hope he at least washed it before coming :rolleyes:

Did you get him all excited? :smiley:

I’ve said it before that Jaime is like a hampster on speed… tumbleweed would get him excited and he’d go all hyper

Alas this refers to his earlier thread of him stuck on the bog with no loo paper… :smiley:

exactly this, just like the old times:)
Nice to see PJ’s new steed too