The reason why I say nearly down was because it was me, going along the m4 tonight where the 2 lanes go into 3 and pulled out to over take a car and way and behold the car infront decideds to pull out too (what a w*****) the only thing that stoped me from going down was that i used the little chevron part before it goes into three lane, cheers flatout for making sure i was alright and annomus biker as well, i sounded my hown and flashed my light but was oblivious, so the only other option was to take of his wing mirror which i tried to do, now my hand is hurting abit, but thats after flatout pulled in front and gave him a sign too

what a w***** i wish i had a hammer or one of those things they use on trains with me then i would have used it on his window f***g ct

so next time im at cubana and you see me flatout the first drink is on me

and also sorry lmmr about winding you up pulling from one lane to the other and by the way you looked god damn sexy tonight

Saw it unfold in front of me i thought he was off he just kept coming over no indicator nothing but i blasted in front slowed the prick right up what a knob, Dont worry ginge i had ya back…

cheers mate the next drink is on me at cubana

Glad you’re okay mate - that was a lucky escape. Well done to Si for being there too - good wingman skills! Typical of the cage driver not to have the slightest idea…

And fair play for using this thread to tout for a date…

He’s a tryer I’ll give him that

sorry to hear that Ginger…

Flat what can i say??

I thought this is apt;

“If in doubt; flatout!”

Ginge, your a loon and a proper traffic stalker!!! Thought I’d lost ya then a min later your parked infront at lights backfiring at me!!!

Lost ya 3 times, could not believe it when you’d gone for ages then as Im sat in traffic… again… I look round and YOUR THERE 2 lanes across from me!!!

Sorry to hear of your incident!! Took me a while to get home, I went back down the motorwy the other way to try and find my mirror cap I saw fly into the hard shoulder… no such luck! Down the dealers for me tomorrow

Ginger, glad you are OK. Thank God for the mighty powers of the KEBAB. You may not have had the strength otherwise

always nice to have a lucky escape then not escape at all!!!

Ginger - glad you OK mate - next time press the button on your bike for the cage can opener - it always makes em move over

what can i say…

another case of it not making any difference if the driver saw u or not- they dont care

glad ur ok ginger .well done si …lmmr yes she did look lovely

Blimey O’Riley, glad flats has got your back.


glad ur ok Graham

Glad you are OK and three cheers to Flatout.

nah im not a traffic stalker was trying to stalk you

so what time did you get home then

Good for u Ginge?? Glad u are ok mate…i couldnt have made it to visit ya otherwise son !!!

Well done the forever dependable FLATS