Hehe… Here, you go, in English:
There were only 2 of us - I was leading Mean2Machine (Matt) back to Sevenoaks in Kent from Hayling Island in Hampshire.
Along the way, it became apparent to me that me chum was no longer following me so I went back to see what had happened to him.
I found him at the side of the road, looking forlornly at his vehicle whilst attempting to contact the recovery services.
The strong wind and vibrations had caused his tail tidy, including his number plate and rear indicators, to become detached from the rest of the bike - the ensemble was only hanging on by the indicator wires.
Upon my arrival, he decided to totally remove the offending articles and we continued on our way.
In order to avoid the local constabulary, who would no doubt have been interested in a number-plateless vehicle, we chose to divert the route into some small and twisty country lanes, thus having more fun than we may have had should said incident with the inglorious tail-tidy not occurred.
In other words, we was boshing along the A27 somewhere near Worthing / Lancing and I seen his indicator on, so made a hand signal to say: “dude, your indicators on” then realise he’s disappeared outta me mirror, so did an about turn and found him sitting on the side of the road, on the phone, so he got his cuttes outta the bag, removed the tail tidy, including rear indicators and number plate (:D) and off we toddled.
Which was cool, coz as a result of that, we shot off the main roads and done some Twilight Twisties up to Sevenoaks